
Closing Technician Skills Gaps With Interactive e-Learning

Residential Technician Training

Nexstar needed build competency and skills for residential service technicians across three trade fields — plumbing, electrical, and HVAC. 

As a member-owned organization, Nexstar Network provides business networking opportunities through training classes and leadership events for the residential home services industry through NexTech Academy. Member dues stay in the organization to build and enhance education, training, and business solutions. Nexstar minimizes operating expenses and channels leaving virtually all remaining funds to research and development, programs, materials, and member services that are supported by a professional staff.

Our Approach & Highlights

This custom e-learning solution is engaging and realistic, filled with real-life situations and environments to prepare technicians for their trade, regardless of experience. Together, Allen Interactions and Nexstar identified skill gaps in the plumbing, electrical, and HVAC trades.

Nexstar's distributed technician audience needed e-learning and skill reinforcement through on-the-job training and assessment by training leaders in the field. 



Plumbing, electrical, and HVAC residential home service providers, using the Nexstar training, reported overall time to complete was reduced through this new training approach. 

The value of learning was immediate and measurable for each learner, with motivation and completion rates towards licensure increasing significantly.

Solution Highlights:

  • e-Learning provides technicians realistic training grounded in real-life situations and environments
  • Closes skill gaps by focusing on areas of common mistakes, rare contexts, and application of critical knowledge
  • Illustrates scenes and practice the ability to manipulate tools in simulated environments

LEARNING SOLUTION Blended Learning; Social/Collaborative Learning; Competency & Skill Development  
INDUSTRY/VERTICAL Plumbing, Electrical, and HVAC Residential Home Services  
CONTENT AREA Technician Training  
TARGET AUDIENCE Employees of 700+ member companies  
DELIVERY DEVICE Desktop/Laptop, Mobile, Tablet  

AR5 – Accelerated Design Framework


Transform your e-learning.